Urgent Local Concern
Please get involed in you local government. A State Representative out of the Grand Rapids area is proposing legislation listed below that would affect the entire State. Whereas this might work in the more metropolitan [...]
Please get involed in you local government. A State Representative out of the Grand Rapids area is proposing legislation listed below that would affect the entire State. Whereas this might work in the more metropolitan [...]
Timar Group vs Park 072224
2024.05.30 Joint Special Meeting Notice to Consider Entry into Second 425 (1) 060124
Park Text Amendments 042224
Park Text Amendments 032524
2023-11-06 - Steering Committee Presentation - Changes FINAL 110623 V2
Power Point Presentation 112023
425 Agreement with Park PKT 111623
Park Text 072423 Park Text 072423
Park Text 060723